Saturday, June 14, 2008

Dry Tortugas

Our second stop in Key West was Dry Tortugas. We took a ferry 70 miles each way to the 1860's fort. It took 30 years and over 16 million bricks to complete the building process. It also was a prison for Dr. Mudd- the person responsible for repairing John Wilkes Booth's leg after the Lincoln assassination. The fort was surrounded by a large moat and had a drawbridge at one time. It now is a popular campground and national park, often full of tourists for snorkeling and sightseeing.
While snorkeling, we found a large conch in its shell...we also found a little crab and a few other small creatures, but the area has so much traffic, there isn't much left to discover near the shore.

The Sunny Days- fast Cat to the Dry Tortugas- the ship we rode for over 4 hours!!

The entrance to Fort Jefferson on Dry Tortugas

An old ship anchor near the drawbridge

The moat

part of the fort from the inside

Similar shot from the outside

Conch on the beach

The fort as we were leaving

Best seat in the house..until all the passengers started to get sea sick.....

1 comment:

Julie said...

How cool. I'm building a moat around my next house. AND, I cannot hear Tortuga without thinking of pirates of the caribbean. COOL.